Real Property Tax System

Real Property Tax System (e-RPTS) is a complete end-to-end solution for the Local Government Unit (LGU) to increase the revenue collection to be used by the LGUs in building capacity for their development needs. The e-RPTS involves the assesment, billing, maintaining the amount of records,periodic reports, and collection of real property taxes. Below are the components of our e-RPTS:
TREASURER’S OFFICE- Abstract of RPT collection/ DRCD
- BLGF record of RPT collection (SEF)
- BLGF record of RPT collection (Basic)
- Monthly report of RPT collection by classification.
- Quarterly report of RPT collection by classification
- Real property tax assessment database
- Tax declaration
- Subdivision of property
- Consolidation of property
- New declaration
- Re-assessment of property
- Transfer segregation of property
- Reclassification of property
- Cancellation of assessment
- Special Projects
- Assessment roll
- General revision of property
- monthly/quarterly report by classification
- Tax map control roll
- FAAS… land, building, and machinery
- Order of Payment (SOA)
- Tax Settings
- Tax Date
- List of delinquents
- Notice of delinquency
- Users
- Person
- eRPTS Settings
- Location
- Property
- Report Codes
- Receipt
We strongly adhere towards adaptability, integrity, and quality service.
Adaptability — Breaking new ground in the business world by providing innovative solutions to attune our consumers need with everyday demands.
Integrity — As we are in strict adherence to incorruptible code of values that will keep every cent you entrust to us.
Quality Service — In making everything work together to deliver our promise to you.